Covered in Love
Well I send out my two quilts to Covered in Love on Friday. As a beginning quilter and looking at some of the quilts done, mine are definitely a simple patterns and simple quilting. Here they are. The first one…
View PostWell I send out my two quilts to Covered in Love on Friday. As a beginning quilter and looking at some of the quilts done, mine are definitely a simple patterns and simple quilting. Here they are. The first one…
View PostSo the last few days I’ve been sewing but not getting anything done. First up I was working on my Cutting Corners quilt and got the top completed. I live in a small town and not much is here so…
View PostWell we went to the Morel Mushroom Festival for the weekend, so no progress happened on my latest quilt. It was rainy, snowy, windy and cold off the lake and no mushrooms were found. I’m not a mushroom fan, but…
View PostOk, I have been able to get a lot of quilting in this week. It isn’t the norm, Hubby has been gone all week and coming home tomorrow. So then I’ll be back to less quilting time. So before he…
View PostI’ve been wanting to do a Christmas quilt for myself and I found a charm pack on special a month or so ago, so Christmas quilt it is. I pinned this quilt sometime ago from Helen Philipps Blog. I liked the…
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