My First Curves

When the October Queen picked her block fear came over me.  This Bee has pushed me into new things.  In the Spring it was paper piecing.  This month was curved seams.  This was our Queen’s version.

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I printed out the pattern and looked at it for several days.  I read and re-read the instructions that Alyce at Blossom Heart Quilts detailed.  I read the link she shared for doing curves without pins,  She Can Quilt.  It looked so easy, I went and tried.  I think it worked.


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This Bee has taken me to paper piecing, it wasn’t bad, but I can’t imagine doing an entire quilt.  The paper piles would be overwhelming.

Now I have done curved seams.  I find it hard to say seams, there were only 4 for this block, but it puts me on my way to more new things.

I am linking up on the gorgeous Friday with some friends, stop over and check their parties out today.

Powered by Quilting – Friday Foto Fun

Busy Hands Quilts – Finished or Not Friday

Confessions of a Fabric Addict – Whoop Whoop


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  1. October 20, 2017 / 10:02 am

    This block is on my list too! You nailed it! It’s always nice to broaden your horizons…you can find out if a different technique is for you or not!

  2. October 20, 2017 / 2:33 pm

    Yes, it worked. Curves look hard but are very forgiving. Your block looks lovely. When it comes to paper-piecing, I am still not comfortable. But freezer paper can be a big savior.

  3. October 20, 2017 / 11:58 pm

    Yeah for trying curves! Not my favorite. Thanks for linking to Finished or Not Friday.

  4. October 21, 2017 / 8:17 am

    You tried it and you did it! Yay! Your block looks really nice!

  5. Kathleen McCormick
    October 21, 2017 / 10:37 am

    Congratulations on learning another new skill! I don’t do them often but it is well worth knowing. Its a very pretty block, too.

  6. October 21, 2017 / 10:58 am

    You did a great job on the curves! How awesome that you are learning so many new skills through the bee. 🙂

  7. October 22, 2017 / 9:24 pm

    YAY!!! Congrats on your curves! You did such a great job! Curves opens up so many more possibilities! 🙂